Thursday, April 14, 2011

The End of the 23 Things

  • I have learned so much about technology. I didn't know about half the sites, apps and blogs on the web. I will definitely be keeping all the ones required for class. The RSS Readers and iGoogle are awesome. I now use my iGoogle Homepage after I had to make it. I love all the Google things! All of them are useful and very helpful in everyday things.  I also loved the GoodReads website I found during the 23 Things. As a big reader I love that I can keep up with what I have and haven't read and reviews on book that I want to read. 
  • I don't really like the LiveBinders but I like that I have learned about them. Maybe I will work with it a little more and understand its potential better. 
  • This has been quite an experience and I have learned a lot that I can take with me. The 23 Things list is definitely worth while. Everything I have learned from The 23 Things list has taught me so much that I can use in my classroom. Like blogs can be useful in the classroom. The teacher can be able to keep parents updated and students on track with a daily blog webpage. Almost all the applications I have been introduced to I will be using in my classroom in one way or another. 

Thing 23

Learning 2.0-23 Things blog was based on 43 Things I might want to do this year. And Our 23 Things is based off of 23 Things for teachers.  43 Things is the idea of working on one's own progress for personal goals. It is really cool and really fun. I am going to try to complete the 43 Things this summer or at least get started on it. You will know if I do them because I will post everyone of them on here. 

Thing 22

Being organized is very important especially as a teacher. This website LiveBinders is very useful in keeping you organized if you know how to use it. I think I still have some work to do with it but I have it pretty much figured out. As a teacher I could have my students use this as a way of turning in their homework or keeping a log of what they do in class by uploading completed assignments before they leave class.

My first Live Binder is my Educ 3070 binder. I have put my unit plan and my lesson plans in it and anything that went along with it.
My second Live Binder is my Educ 3040 binder. I have included all my projects in my binder. I am still putting links and resources in but it is a good way to be able to look back at what i have learned in this class.
My third Live Binder is my Educ 4270 binder. I have included all my assessment projects. These were time consuming and hard but worth while.

All of my folders are public and free for people to look at. I could not get blogger to let me embed my folder but this is the link to my public bookshelf.

Thing 21


This is a video a made of my daughter Madison. I made it at Animoto.
The website was easy to use. The one thing I didn't like about it was that I was limited because it requires a subscription to do all the good stuff.
Though it was easy to use, 30 second videos are only good for certain things. I would really have to consider paying before I subscribed.

Thing 20 YouTube

The Best Educational Video Sites and How to Use Them

This video provides teachers with good educational websites and how to use them. 
This can be useful in the classroom. Their are websites for educational games and educational videos and how to use the websites. 

I use YouTube often so this was no new experience. I can say that my experience with YouTube has always been good that is why I still use it almost daily to look up videos about everything. 

I have explored TeacherTube and GoogleVideo and they are good video websites to use also. 

Thing 19

I am a member of facebook, twitter, teacherpop, and Good reads.

GoodReads is interesting to me because I love to read in  my free time. I like to read books in a series rather than a book that is all alone. A series allows the reader to become absorbed in the characters life and get lost in the magic of imagination. Also I really only like fantasy books. They allow me to escape from the real world when I read the. They also allow me to explore and use my imagination.

I also found Playlist cool because now I have my playlists online and can listen to music or find a song wherever I am.

I think that I may be able to get my students to join GoodReads because it is a book sharing website that allows people to know what others have read and whether the books were good or now. GoodReads also allows you to keep track of all the book you have read. Students can keep track of what they have read their whole life if they wish too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thing 17

I found interesting and user friendly. I like having bookmarks online so that I do not have to be on my personal computer. I have a lot of bookmarks on my personal computer at home. I love bookmarking. I used to write all websites down or copy and paste them in a word document to be able to use them later until I was introduced to bookmarking. I used to be technologically stupid and my 3040 class has helped a lot along with friends that are technological geniuses.

Social bookmarking can be  used in the classroom. Social bookmarking can be used to provide links to websites to students, parents and colleagues. You can provide educational websites for your students, websites with great course materials with colleagues, and informational websites with parents. All websites you share with your students can be shared with parents and colleagues as well as websites your share with parents can be shared with colleagues and sometime students.